Hanami: The custom of enjoying the beauty of Sakura.Acoustics - Virtual acoustic space is then simulated with chorus, delay and reverberation effects.Resonance - The string/s vibration then interacts with an 8-resonator ‘body simulator’ to create the size, material and shape of the instrument.String interaction – The dual strings are then mixed, panned and enveloped to simulate interactions.Vibration - Sakura’s dual string model then gives the operator control over a wide range of parameters such as damping, tension, positioning and string properties.Contact - An impulse, the mechanical contact with the string, is first generated then shaped to simulate plucks, picks, scrapes, hammers, taps or humble fingers.Virtual Modelling in Sakura Follows a 5 stage Hanami-Process The Sakurazensen is coming, be there to experience it. Ever wanted to know what a 20 foot guitar sounded like? Or a bowed piano? Now you can find out, Sakura opens up a world of string modelling possibilities, why not download the Sakura demo and try it for yourself. Most importantly, the curious musician can take control of every aspect of the simulation to create fantastic instruments.

Reproduce the delicate pluck of a single string. Sakura can reproduce the delicate pluck of a single string, a violins bowing or the sonorous resonance of a grand piano. Like the transient beauty of Sakura (Japanese for Cherry Blossom), the sound of stringed instruments blossoms and fades. ‘Sakura’, the string physical modelling instrument. There, You Can Find Us Among Their List of Authorized Resellers. Guildwater Gear is an Authorized Image Line Dealer through the Xchange Market. If you have any questions about this product please do not hesitate to contact us. Please Be Aware That Software Is Non-Cancelable and Non-Returnable.

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