Repeat this process for all broken snapshots.( note the screenshot below was taken after the issue was resolved so the CID will not match the rest of the documentation as it was changed once the consolidation was successful) Edit this base disk VMDK file and record the CID and parentCID noted in the file in your Excel spreadsheet.Identify the base disk for the snapshots that have an inconsistent chain and edit the vmdk file.Repeat this process for all VMDKs and note which ones were valid and which ones were not in your Excel file.If the file is broken however, you’ll get a much longer error message as presented below.If the file is configured properly, you should get a response Disk chain is consistent.

Run the command vmkfstools –e on each of the files.

Typically you’ll have a file for the C: and E: drives, another for the C: and E: drives for the first snapshot and then most likely another snapshot only for one of the disks for the second snapshot Export a list to Excel of all of the VMDK files, excluding the –flat and –clk files.The first thing we need to do is log into the CLI and open the folder where the VM resides.It would be very easy to permanently corrupt the VM if these steps are followed incorrectly. Warning: If you are not comfortable with the VMware CLI or the concepts presented here, do not proceed and instead call VMware. The rest of this HOWTO will basically provide a picture walkthrough of the VMware KB Article. There is an imposing VMware KB article on how to resolve this issue here: The VM had a warning on it that stated “disk consolidation is required” If you tried to complete this consolidation however, you will be given an error “CID_MISMATCH”. An attempt to manually power the VM back on resulted in the error: In this instance, a virtual machine called FSRVCLOAPP17 failed in the middle of the night. This HOWTO describes how to resolve a situation where a running virtual machine suddenly abruptly powers off and when you attempt to start it again, you are given the error “ the content ID of the parent virtual disk does not match the corresponding parent content ID of the child”.